Spey casting is so new on the East Coast that very few have recognized its potential, Especially when it comes to larger saltwater species from the beach. Notice the finger grip, I am making apoint here in a lesson however this is really all that is necessary for even a long cast… it truly is that easy and easy on the shoulders and arms.
Here I am casting in the keys with a two handed rod easy to get out there 100′ or more without much effort, and it is easy on the body too.
Back at home I have totally switched over to a Scandanavian two handed rod in the Surf. There are lots of advantages but it takes a little work in the beginning to get all the timing right. I really recommend a lesson or two to get started on the right foot. Practicing wrong can create bad habits and bad habits are hard to overcome. Single hand casters already have a dominant hand with lots of muscle memory and that takes some adjusting. Once we get past that you will be amazed at how effortless a real distance cast can be. Line control is just excellent. It’s just plain fun!