Casting Corner

By Jim Valle
             Certified Master and Two Hand Casting Instructor
                          Federation of Fly Fishers

 The Casting Corner is for you.  I intend to keep posting new information that can make you a better caster or help you master a certain cast or technique.

The first is on "Starting with the Basics" or the Essentials, the physics of the cast. Rules that we,  like Newton,  just have to accept and understand if we are to be efficient with our casts.
The next is on "Feeling  the Cast".  I have given hundreds if not thousands of lessons and it took a long time and a lot of study to figure out a simple method of imparting the basic cast knowledge. I do this entire exercise with very few words and without any real casting terminology. This is something anyone can do and it makes the point that a fly cast is absolutely easy.
In the near future I will address the following subjects.   
Roll Casts
Send me an email if you have a specific problem you need help with. I will be glad to help.